cool campaign slogans for students

What is the current campaign slogan for the republican party? - Ask.
campaign slogan ideas | Mario blog.
Hello, I am running for Treasurer Student Couciland I need a cool and catchy campaign slogan. My audience would be high school students.
cool campaign slogans for students
Student body President slogans.? - Yahoo! Answers.
cool campaign slogans for students
Campaign Slogan for Student Coucil Neede Thanks!? - Yahoo.Campaign posters high school slogan.
Humor can be used to great effect to come up with slogans for a campaign.. These fun and catchy slogans will add spice to your campaign for student.
Apr 24, 2013. Political Slogan and Campaign Slogan.Planning to run for student government? Get great slogan ideas here.Askville Question: Looking for.
Good high school student government campaign slogans? - Yahoo! Answers.
Item 1 - 30. Post requests for school student body election slogans and campaign ideas as new Topics in the Forum for this group. Student council president, vice.
This "other student" and I happen to butt heads on a lot of things.. I'm looking for some clever, witty, catchy, interesting, etc. campaign ideas.
Funny campaign slogans " Catchy and funny high school political campaign slogan ideas Planning to run for student government? Get great slogan ideas here.
What are some campaign slogans for student council secretary.
Campaign Quotes - BrainyQuote.
Campaign Slogans for Student Elections - Ask Jeeves.